A short introduction to Recycled Art often known as Junk Art!!!
It may sound a little crazy, but the creation of art from used mechanical objects is truly an art form. In these days when the world has finally “gone green” and “repurposing” is in our everyday language, art made from junk brings a whole new level of “cool” (I just hate that word, but in this context, it really fits!)
In fact throughout the 20th-century, as part of the modernist revolt against the use of traditional materials in fine art, artists have been busily creating an ever-widening range of unusual art objects using a vast array of materials. But who is the first "junk art" artist?
Research has shown that it seems to be Marcel Duchamp who has began the movement in the early 20th century. This artist is recognized for taking common every day items and giving them another life in an unsuspecting - uncommon environment. This bicycle wheel now displayed in Paris sitting on a painted stool is a typical example of his works. Other junk artists from the 19th and 20th centuries include Kurt Schwitters, Vladimir Tatlin, and the famous Pablo Picasso.
Today some really big names are into it one such example is Bob Dylan the American singer-songwriter, author, and artist who has been an influential figure in popular music and culture for more than five decades. He sells his welded metal objet d’art pieces for tens of thousands of dollars each and often has his pieces on display in the art gallery of the famous Harrods department store in London England. This is a true testament to high regard such works have in the art world.
The art form has caught on so well that pieces can be found in the most fashionable of homes and establishments in the four corners of the earth and is as well respected now as many of the old masters. But let's face it welded cogs, gears, and car parts will never be a Mona Lisa but sure will make a statement in any home, hotel or plush establishment.
Making art from junk is not as easy as one may think, its all a matter of perspective and imagination as to how to create interesting, recognizable art from the most usual of things creating a discussion focal point like where, when, why, how and most of all what?
It can take a very long time to covert junk into art and the result can be both breathtaking and very expensive. It always a joy to own something unique, and with Junk art it always is, each piece may look similar but no two can ever be the same.
This type of creation can truly be an heirloom and last literally forever, however long that may be, but rest assured that forever will be quite bit longer if we recycle and a piece “Junk art “ on display will show everyone that your batting for the World to live on an prosper.
At Rustic Furniture Outlet we carry our own collection of "Junk Art", each piece lovingly made and unique representing extremely good value for the design, thought and many hours spent by artisans making timeless elegant pieces to be enjoyed the world over.
One’s imagination is without boundaries as is art, Albert Einstein once said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
That said why not display your intelligence with a piece of Junk Art?
1 comment
I just love junk art! It showcases an artist intelligence, indeed ;)